Advice for adults, teachers and other professionals

These are our general recommendations:

As far as possible adjust the physical environment by decreasing background noise and reverberation as well as decrease visual and auditory distracters.

Improve acoustic access to auditory information. For children: The child should be seated near to the teacher so that auditory and visual cues are enhanced. For adults: Make sure you are close to the speaker.

Encourage communication by: looking at the speaker’s face, going nearer to the speaker or ask the speaker to slow down their verbal communication. For clarification purposes, ask the speaker to rephrase a message using simpler language or paraphrase or demonstrate what is expected.

Strategies that assist with short-term auditory memory include: chunking, verbal rehearsal (repetition), visualisation and paraphrasing.

This is our area of speciality, so if you have any questions about Central Auditory Processing Disorder, please do not hesitate to contact us.